About me
Hi there 👋
I’m a Postdoctoral Scholar and Senior Operations Research (OR) Analyst with 25+ years of experience, possessing an extensive skill-set in statistical analysis, OR, applied mathematics, simulation and modeling, machine learning, programming, strategic planning, and the streamlining of business policies and processes, with PMP certification and a track record of successful project completion and goal achievement.
✨ Bio ✨
I have a strong background in optimization, machine learning and multi-agent systems, with insights and experience with reinforcement learning and deep learning, including programming skills (Julia, Python). I have a high degree of work commitment, analytical skills, and like solving novel problems.
✨ Research Interests ✨
My overall goal is to advance research in computational algorithms to change the world for the better. In general, my research interests include, but not limited to:
Operations research & systems analysis, data analytics, machine learning, reinforcement learning, sequential decision-making, simulation modeling, agent-based modeling, simulation-based optimization, metaheuristics, experimental design & analysis, systems engineering, engineering management, transportation & logistics, combat modeling, wargaming, command & control.
✨ About me ✨
- 🔠I’m currently working on to solve large-scale scheduling problems with optimization (MIP), simulation and machine learning (reinforcement learning).
- 🌱 I’m currently learning reinforcement learning to solve sequential decision making problems.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on optimization (MIP), simulation and machine learning (reinforcement learning) projects.
- 💬 Ask me about optimization (MIP), simulation and experimantal design.
- 📫 How to reach me: soykanb@gmail.com
- 😄 Pronouns: He/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I know it is not true but I truly feel like I’m still twenty years old.
- You can download a PDF copy of my CV here.